Pabor Day & Fruita History Fair

Calendar Date:
Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 12:00am

Pabor Day poster

The Fruita History Fair is growing!

The Fruita Downtown Advisory Board and the Fruita Historic Preservation Board have united their efforts to create Pabor Day. Fruita’s citizens and businesses will celebrate Fruita’s unique yet intertwined history in the Grand Valley, its innovative spirit, and its resilience. Expect games, period clothing, period music, displays, and demonstrations!

As in the past, the Fruita Historic Preservation Board will host the seventh annual Fruita History Fair at Cavalcade, 201 East Aspen Avenue, Fruita, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18. There is no charge. There will be displays of historic artifacts and photographs, covering the importance of agriculture, ranching, business, families, schools, houses, the railroad, water, and Colorado National Monument to Fruita and the Grand Valley. There will be then-and-now photograph displays, a continuous digital slide show, free Fruita History Coloring & Activity Books for children, and more. The Lower Valley Heritage Room in the Fruita Civic Center, 325 East Aspen Avenue, will also be open. Board members will identify and scan or photograph historic artifacts, photographs, and postcards brought in by the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring in such artifacts and photographs and to ask questions.


For more information, please contact Steve Hight, Chair, Fruita Historic Preservation Board, at 858-6375, or Jeanine Purser, Chair, Fruita Downtown Advisory Board, at 260-5413. Or speak to any other member of either board or their associates.