May 29, 2020 - COVID-19 News Archive (for news week end of May 29, 2020)

Current News

  • Mesa County Cases:  Mesa County Public Health Department updates daily the current counts for cases in our area. As of June 1, 2020, there are 55 confirmed cases, which equates to 1.94% positive of total tested (threshold is staying below 10% positive of total tested); 20 of which have unknown sources, which means there is sustained community spread in Mesa County. One case was recently reassigned because it was a resident of a different county.  Fortunately, 53 cases have fully recovered. There were 8 hospitalizations and 8 have been discharged (threshold is staying under 30). For the full update, the Community Impact dashboard, and the COVID-19 symptom dashboard, please visit this page.​​​​​​
  • Governor Polis Issues New Executive Order - On Monday, June 1st,  Governor Polis issued a new Executive Order detailing the next phase of the state’s response to the coronavirus, which is being called Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors.   Below are a few highlights and the full order can be found here.  
    • The order advises Coloradans to continue to limit social interactions to the greatest extent possible  
    • If traveling outside of their own community, residents are urged to honor the restriction in place at their destination and to avoid travel to areas that have travel restrictions in place 
    • Residents are urged to get tested for COVID-19 if they have any flu-like symptoms or are sick 
    • Maintain six feet of social distancing from others, wear a non-medical facemask while in public, and wash hands frequently.   
    • Vulnerable individuals should continue to stay at home or in the outdoors away from others, as much as possible.  
  • Mesa County Transitioning to Second Phase of Safer at Home - Effective May 24, 2020, Mesa County will be moving to the second phase of its Reopening Plan and Safer at Home Order.  Under this phase,  most businesses will be able to reopen or expand operations, group gatherings are limited to 50 people, and recreation activities may continue.  More information on this phase can be found here.  As Mesa County and Fruita reopens, it is still recommended that people maintain six feet of social distance from one another, wash hands often, cover nose and mouth in public, stay home when you are stick, and get tested if symptoms appear.  
  • Fruita Community Center to Expand Operations - This week, we submitted an application to MCPH to expand operations at the Fruita Community Center (“FCC”).  With this application, the FCC can increase capacity, provide additional services, and even hold certain fitness classes and recreation programs.  Below are a few of the changes that will be taking place throughout the month of June, and more information can be found at this link. Additionally, the FCC staff is also putting out a special activity guide just for June highlighting changes.  
    • FCC Hours – Beginning June 14, FCC hours will be expanding and will also be open on Sunday.   
    • Billing – Billing for memberships will be reinstated on June 15, 2020.  If guests would like to cancel or suspend their membership, they can contact Guest Services at the FCC.   
    • Masks are required in the facility.  While guests are no longer required to wear masks or face coverings while exercising, guest must wear one when entering/exiting the facility, and when walking around.   
    • Guests are still encouraged to reserve a time slot to use specific areas/equipment at the this link as only a limited number of walk ins will be allowed to ensure that the capacity of 50% is not exceeded.   
    • Guests will continue to be screened at the front-desk for any symptoms of COVID-19 and will be required to provide contact information in the event that contact tracing needs to be conducted.   
    • The indoor pool will open on June 1, 2020 for specific fitness activities.   
    • The outdoor pool is scheduled to open on June 13, 2020 for leisure swim within capacity constraints.   
    • Fitness classes and recreation programs will also begin in early June.   
    • The Senior Center, locker rooms/showers, common area, and the childcare program will remain unavailable.   
  • COVID-19 Testing Available throughout Colorado – CDPHE Encourages Anyone with Symptoms to Get Tested
    • CDPHE is encouraging anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 to speak with a health care provider and get tested.  Colorado’s state lab has acquired significantly more testing supplies and has adequate processing capacity.  Symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, muscle pain, new loss of taste or smell, and chills.  
  • Mesa County Public Health to offer antibody testing for COVID-19 -  Beginning this week, the Health Department will be offering antibody testing for COVID-19.  This is a blood test that looks for antibodies in your blood and can detect the body’s immune response to the infection caused by the virus, rather than detecting the virus itself.  MCPH will be doing these tests by appointment, and you can call the COVID-19 hotline at 970-683-2300 for pricing and scheduling information.  More information can be found here.  
  • Fruita Civic Center Reopen For Appointments Only - Beginning on May 18, 2020, the Fruita Civic Center is open for appointments only. Public/walk-in access to the facility will remain closed. The Civic Center has been closed since March 23, 2020, and this is the first phase of a plan to reopen the facility to the public in the future.  Although the Civic Center is open in a limited capacity, most City business can be conducted online, and the City encourages residents to limit all visits to the facility.  Additional changes include staff continuing to wear masks, social distancing measures will remain in place, the building is disinfected throughout the day, and all public meetings will be held virtually (without in-person access) until further notice.  The Fruita Police Department and City Shops Building will remain closed indefinitely.  To learn how to conduct City business online, you can visit the links below. To schedule an appointment with any of the following Departments, you can call these numbers: 
    • Planning and Development:  970-858-0786 
    • Engineering: 970-858-8377 
    • Administration: 970-858-3663 
    • Human Resources: 970 858-8373
  • Mesa County Public Health Priorities
    • ​Safer at Home - We are no longer ordered to stay home, but MCPH is strongly advising people to stay home.  Some businesses are operating with restrictions.  The virus is still present in Colorado and can re-surge at any time.  
    • Stay the Course - Continue to follow Public Health guidance so we can keep making incremental steps toward a lifestyle that is familiar and rewarding to all of us.  If you are not personally concerned, please be courteous to others who are.  Social distancing and face coverings should be the norm, not the exception.  Everyone needs to do their part for themselves, their loved ones, and our community.  
    • Community Goals 
      • ​Stay below the threshold of less than 30 COVID-19 hospitalization (from any county) 
      • Keep the proportion of positives tests to less than 10% of overall tests conducted.  ​​​​​​
  • Fruita Small Business Emergency Assistance Fund Now Accepting Applications
    • ​​​At a special remote meeting on April 23, 2020, the Fruita City Council approved up to $60,000 in designated funds for economic development to create a loan fund for Fruita businesses that are facing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This loan fund has been as established as the “Fruita Small Business Emergency Assistance Fund”.  More information can be found here.  Applications can be found here
  • Outdoor Recreation Guidelines for all Coloradans and Local Communities - ​​​Now that the Stay at Home Order has been lifted for Colorado, the Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) recommends the following guidelines for outdoor recreation:  
    • Respect closures and be a good steward. If parks or communities are closed, don’t go. If parks are open, be mindful that areas might have limited maintenance or rolling closures depending on visitation or crowding. Pack out your trash, use the restroom before you leave the house. Check for local closures.
    • Avoid high-risk or remote activities. Many local healthcare systems are already overwhelmed or stretched thin. Please do not add to the burden or stretch further local search and rescue teams and emergency services.
    • Limit recreational travel to no further than ten (10) miles from your residence. The further you travel, the greater potential for unplanned emergencies that may burden healthcare systems. Do not travel to communities or areas with closures in place. 
    • Recreate outside cautiously and wear a face covering. Don’t go out if you’re sick or have been in contact with those who are also sick. Recreate in groups no larger than 10 and practice social distancing by maintaining 6 feet between participants. Avoiding busy areas and high use times between 10 AM - 2 PM. Wash your hands and wear a face covering. Follow CDC guidelines carefully. 
    • Make the health of others your number one priority. The COVID-19 Pandemic is life and death for many Coloradans. Please consider the health of others as you choose how and where to recreate. 
  • Current Key Messaging
    • Continue to stay at home, and limit travel for essential activities as much as possible 
    • Populations that have been identified as vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus, such as those with a preexisting medical condition or Seniors, should continue to stay at home as much as possible.  
    • Wear a non-medical cloth mask that covers your nose and mouth without harming your breathing when in public. 
    • Recreate close to home.  
    • Social distancing is very important to limit spread and to avoid overloading healthcare systems for those in need of critical healthcare. 
    • Do your part to keep public lands open. Spread out, take out trash, obey rules of public lands, don't congregate, and don't test your skills - be safe. 
    • Safely check on neighbors. ​​
  • Mesa County Public Health COVID-19 Hotline ​
    • If you have any questions or concerns related to the Governor's Safer-at-Home Order or other public health related matters, please call Mesa County Public Health at 970-683-2300.