City Council Regular Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 7:00pm

General Information 

The Fruita City Council meeting scheduled for November 2, 2021  at 7:00 p.m. will be held in-person and virtually.  When available, the agenda for the meeting, the council packet, and link to participate, can be found below.  For those that are interested in attending in-person, we recommend that you please practice social distancing, wear a mask when social distancing is not possible, and stay at home and attend virtually if you are not feeling well.  Masks will also be provided to those who would like to wear one, but it is not a requirement due to changes in local public health orders.  

Submitting a Public Comment 

If you wish to submit a public comment on a particular agenda item, you can provide one before or during the meeting in the following ways: 

  • Public comments can be provided in-person at the City Council meeting. 
  • Public comments can also be submitted prior to the meeting by emailing them to
  • If you joined the meeting virtually, you can submit a public comment during the meeting.  
    • As a virtual participant, you will need to "raise your hand" to inform the host that you would like to speak on an agenda item. If you joined the meeting via the URL Link below, you can click the "raise hand" button on the bottom of the toolbar.  
    • If you called in using the phone number provided below, you can raise your hand by dialing *9 on your phone.  
    • Participants who attend virtually will be unmuted in the order that the host received notice that they would like to speak.  The City Council will also alternate between virtual and in-person public comments (when needed).

Meeting Information 

Link to participate online:  Click here (via Smartphone, tablet, MAC OSX, or Windows)

Or join by phone: 1.346.248.7799 Meeting ID# 838 9783 7222

Please note, you may not be able to join the meeting until it is started electronically.